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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Camp NaNoWriMo

Recently, I've been hearing tons about this summer camp starting July 1st for writers. At first, I was like- what the hell is it? So... I started researching it. It's purely online which is great since most of us writers have other jobs.
What is Camp NaNoWriMo?

First NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. The actual month is November but it was so big that they've based other camps off a similar idea. Most writers shoot for a 50,000 word goal per session. The whole purpose is to write one novel in a months time.

Why not just do it on my own?

Personally I've been in a bit of a rut lately on my next books. I've read some testimonials and spoken with people on google+ who have said this system works for them. For this summer camp I signed up for, you're put in a cabin with people based on what you want. For example, I chose people with similar genre interests. We can chat about our projects and bounce ideas off each other. It's great for creating a support group.

What happens if I complete it?

If you complete your goals you are added to a winner list and they check your word counts and what not. And obviously you have a 50,000 novel to work with. Personally that's not enough for me so I'm shooting for around 75,000 but still. That's a lot to work with!

How do I sign up?

Here is the website It's free so why not try it out. They track your work, they support you and you can win badges and fun stuff to keep you motivated. It's nice creating communities and lasting relationships with other writers.

Don't have a book, want to support?

I have a donation page at, No donation is too small and the company could really use it. Check out the site and see what the money goes to. They really appreciate whatever they can get!

This next month is going to be fairly busy for me since I have The Thousand Year Curse to edit and get to its final beta reader and now I've signed up for camp in hopes to start and finish book two! I will definitely keep you all posted on my progress and goals as we go along. Let me know if you're attending camp! I would love to talk through the process and get your feedback.

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