10. Breaking Nova- Jessica Sorenson
The reviews are really great. The only negative thing I've read was the ending. I heard it's a cliffhanger and there isn't much light. I also heard some people say they didn't like the drug aspect but I love it so I think I'll like this book. It's already bought and ready to read whenever I get a chance.
9. The Cuckoo's Calling- Robert Galbriath aka JK Rowling
This book has been on the best seller list for a while but I just haven't been able to push the purchase button yet. It sounds compelling and really awesome but I've heard a ton of mixed reviews.
I just finished this book a week or two ago. It's been getting a lot of praise and I wanted to read it since it was a fairly cheep ebook. I love Rachel's writing and thought the characters were awesome. However, the HEA felt a little too pushed for my liking. Overall though, I think it's a good one out right now.
I am so freaking excited for this book! I am such a huge Sparks fan and love his books. I think this will be another best for him. It's out Sept 17th so I have to wait a little bit longer but still. I have the paperback preordered and ready to go!
This book claims to be more than a boy meets girl story and I want it to be. I love a book that's original but still keeps elements that make readers love it. I like the cover and I think the author's great. I'm thinking about getting this book soon.
This books looks really cool. I love the plot and the blurb the author wrote. It definitely pulled me in and makes me want to read it. I think the book could follow a story close to, Dusty (twilight fan fiction) and I LOVE that story. I'm definitely going to give this book a try when I get a chance.
Okay, so I read this book a couple weeks ago and LOVED it. I love the cover. It's super hot and steamy. You already love the guy. I also loved the story itself. The characters were spot on. The drama was in full force. I really like this book. It's one of the better ones out right now.
This book has won a ton of awards. It's in the fantasy category. Obviously, I love me some fantasy. I want to give this one a try just for the recognition. If it can win an award, it deserves to be read. I've already bought it and have it waiting for me.
This is an indie published book and it has over 1600 freaking amazing reviews. I was just so amazed and need to read the book. I have it in kindle version and it's definitely on my TBR list. I'm a little behind the craze but I don't care. I'm excited to read a true scifi novel and enjoy every last second of it.
This book is majority 5 star reviews and I have to admit, that matters to me. I like reading a book that I already know is going to please me. With such a tight schedule I want to make my reading count. This book looks fun and light and like a good story- but it also has a darkness to it. Right up my alley. I'm excited to start this one.
I'm so excited for the new Nicholas Sparks book! I don't even know what it's about but his last few books have been amazing!
Yeah I definitely agree. At first, I knew I was buying it no matter what. Read the blurb because it makes you love it even more!